3 Exercises to Improve Your Posture

Let’s talk posture. The reality is much of our days are spent hunched forward in front of some kind of computer or device. Our bodies were not meant to sustain this position for a prolonged period of time, consequently leaving us with some undesirable effects; such as, increased susceptibility to injury, joint and muscle pain, and a diminished appearance of confidence due to poor posture. Checkout these three simple chest, spinal and shoulder exercises to reverse these effects and improve, or even just maintain good posture.

The Door Frame Stretch: flex the pecs 

1. With a 90 degree bend in your arms, place both forearms in a door frame

2. Stagger feet to lean forward and to help maintain a neutral spine (no arch).

3. Feel the stretch in the pecs and hold for 30 seconds, repeat 3 times.

Frame that door, baby!

Frame that door, baby!

Side-Lying Stretch: Rotational mobility through the thoracic spine

1. Lying down, turn on your side. You can support your head by resting it on on your towel, mat or a pillow.

2. Bend the top leg and bring it up just passed the hip (this knee can rest on a block/towel as well)

3. Bring the top arm to stack on top of the bottom arm at shoulder height and then open up sending the top arm to the other side towards a T position (the top arm will not rotate all the way to the floor). 

4.  Then returns to stack over the bottom arm as you return to your side. Repeat 10 to 12 times on each side.

There’s so much space on my floor…

There’s so much space on my floor…

Shoulder Squeeze Stretch: Internal/External shoulder rotation 

1. Sitting on your heels, bring your shoulder blades down and back and interlock your fingers behind your back with your palms facing the floor.

2. Start to slowly lift your arms up while squeezing your shoulder blades closer together. Raise your arms to your furthest point.

3. Also a chest opener. Hold 10 seconds, repeat 3 times.

I wonder what my butt feels like??

I wonder what my butt feels like??

Fun fact, cortisol levels noticeably decrease by just moving into an open position (open shoulder and chest) verse a closed, passive position. This is a good thing as high cortisol levels (stress hormone) make it extremely difficult to burn fat. Yes, the positive effects of good posture are endless, and just a little practice after each day at the [home] office can go a long way!


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